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We’ve only just published Jack & Lev and we’ve already got loads of reviews! Already? Yes! We handed out 60 free JACK & LEV PASS-IT-ON-BOOKS to children in the Netherlands. The idea was for kids to read the book, write a review and then pass it on to a friend. As a thank you, all those children are mentioned in the first edition of Jack & Lev! Isn't that cool?!

'Beautiful and
full of adventure '


'Big 5 stars'

Samen Lezen
is Leuker

'Super exciting
and also
once funny '


'Dreaming away
and wanting to
keep on reading'

De Leesclub
van Alles

'The best youth book
of 2021, for readers
from 9 to 12 years old '

De Leestrein

'Magical youth book!'

In de Boekenkast

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